Stephie Butler

Born and raised in Essex. Now living on it’s border in London, on the edge of Epping Forest.

Her work is expressive, loose yet detailed, conveying feeling in every brushstroke. A trained draughtswoman, self taught in watercolour, each piece contains the keynotes of design and emotion.

Elected member of the Society of Women Artists in 2018 with whom she now regularly exhibits, at the prestigious Mall Galleries, London. Awards include the new “Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour Award” at the selected Society of East Anglian Watercolourists Exhibition 2017 and the “Derwent Art Materials Award” in 2015, at the SWA exhibition, Mall Galleries, London.

Her work has been published in a book on watercolour techniques, included in the International Watercolour Society catalogue, and also used as a book cover. Regularly entering and being selected for exhibitions in the UK, she has achieved best in show, runner up and has had solo exhibitions in the UK and USA. Stephie regularly exhibits in the Mall Galleries and Mayfair, London, along with other art society’s. She tutors internationally and her work is in private collections across the UK, USA, Europe and the UAE.

Awards and Achievements

  • Elected as a full member of the Society of Women Artists in 2018
  • Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour Award – Selected Society of East Anglian Watercolours Exhibition 2017
  • Derwent Art Materials Award 2015- Society of Women Artists 154th Exhibition
  • Published paintings “Compendium of Watercolour techniques” by Robin Berry
  • Runner up to Best in show-RAA Exhibition
  • Elected Associate Membership of the SWA
  • Runner up to Best in show-RAA Exhibition
  • Featured Artist on
  • Runner up to Best in show-RAA Exhibition
  • Best in show -RAA Exhibition 2012
  • Shortlisted for Bert Hamilton Trophy for Visual Artists – RAA Exhibition
  • Runner up – Ken Bromley cover competition
  • Drawing & Painting-Watercolour and Inks – Distinction
  • Certificate of Draughtsmanship

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